Once the secret home of World War Two codebreakers, Bletchley Park became the backdrop for another enigma last month, as international governments, tech companies, civil society groups and academics gathered to discuss AI (or, more specifically, the risks posed by...
Services like ChatGPT are the publics first window into the pandoras box that the industrial revolution 3.0 could be: there will be winners and losers and, no doubt, some jobs will be replaced by AI, but, it will be those companies and individuals who learn to use...
“Welcome ta’ t’ world o’ AI, where technology is constantly evolvin’ an’ pushin’ boundaries. One o’ t’ most excitin’ developments in recent times is t’ advent o’ chatbot technology, specifically...
As techies, we’re naturally wired to always be looking ahead. New trends, new technology, new everything! And that should be no different as we round off 2022 and look forward to the New Year. We’ve rounded up 4 of the big tech trends for 2023 that will shape our near...